North Carolina Bad Faith Insurance Law Firm

Knowledge · Experience · A Record of Results

When insurers fail to make good on homeowners’, automobile, or health insurance policies, the insured may need to resort to legal action to enforce policy terms. The North Carolina bad faith insurance claim attorneys of the law offices of DAS Law Group, P.A., stand on the side of justice for clients who have been shortchanged through insurers’ refusal to pay valid claims.

To schedule a consultation on any insurance dispute with an experienced North Carolina bad faith insurance claim lawyer, call 704-377-5242.

Sterling Reputation

The firm of DAS Law Group, P.A., attained one of the largest bad faith verdicts in North Carolina history in a case involving a building that had collapsed as a result of water damage. The insurer claimed that the damage occurred simply because of natural aging of the building. The jury disagreed, resulting in a verdict that fully compensated him for his covered loss.

Work With Us

Schedule a consultation with a Charlotte bad faith insurance claim attorney after your insurance claim has been denied. We are well-qualified to defend your interests in cases involving fire loss, mold damage and other losses that rightfully fall under insurance policy terms.

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